Tier System

All whitelists are subject to a tier system, This helps determine status within the city, certain perks and abilities, etc.

Tier 1: Probation

Probation Period:

  • 1 month

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Active participation in server events and roleplay.

  • Adherence to server rules and guidelines.

  • Positive engagement with other players and factions.


  • Basic access to gang features and resources (cuff, escort, search, boss menu)

  • Support from server staff for integration and development.

Tier 2: Established

Probation Period:

  • None (automatically achieved after successful completion of Tier 1 probation)

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Consistent activity and engagement.

  • High-quality roleplay interactions and storytelling.

  • Collaboration with other factions and community initiatives.


  • Expanded access to gang resources and privileges (access to a small stash, possibly a small, already existing MLO and a simple org specific clothing item).

  • Priority consideration for server-wide storylines and events.

  • Assigned gang liaison for personalized support and guidance.

Tier 3: Influential

Probation Period:

  • None (automatically achieved after successful completion of Tier 2 requirements)

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Sustained leadership and organizational excellence.

  • Meaningful contributions to the server community and roleplay.

  • Demonstrated commitment to fostering positive interactions and community cohesion.


  • Exclusive access to advanced gang features and perks (access to expanded gang only clothing).

  • Recognition as a significant influence in the server community.

  • Assistance with organizing and hosting server events or storylines.

Tier 4: Esteemed

Probation Period:

  • None (automatically achieved after successful completion of Tier 3 requirements)

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Exceptional leadership and roleplay proficiency.

  • Outstanding contributions to server growth and development.

  • Exemplary conduct as ambassadors of roleplay excellence.


  • Access to a wide range of clothing, potential MLO upgrades.

  • Prestigious status as one of the server's premier factions.

  • Direct involvement in shaping server policies and initiatives.

  • Customized support and resources tailored to faction needs.

Tier 5: Legendary

Probation Period:

  • None (automatically achieved after successful completion of Tier 4 requirements)

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Unrivaled leadership, creativity, and dedication.

  • Transformational impact on server community and roleplay culture.

  • Enduring legacy as a standard-bearer for roleplay excellence.


  • Legendary status as an iconic faction in the server's history.

  • Unprecedented influence and recognition within the community.

  • Immortalized through special in-game commemorations or acknowledgments. Will be given a dedicated page on our Fandom site.

Last updated