11 - Applications (Including Whitelist, Gangs and Businesses)

  • 11.1 - All positions must be applied for using the relevant application form through Discord.

  • 11.2 - Falsifying any details in any application may result in a decline and future blacklisting for any future application.

  • 11.3 - Do not nudge, bump or message any staff to enquire on the status of your application.

  • 11.4 - Where possible, please notify the relevant person with one week's notice in advance before resignation from your position within the business in which your character has been working.

  • 11.5 - Being whitelisted is a privilege that should not be abused. Some examples of abuse are but not limited to handing out police firearms, reviving friends while an off-duty medic or repairing cars while off duty as a mechanic. Searching people without a valid RP reason and removing items that were not used in the scenario is also not permitted.

  • 11.6 - Abuse of whitelist powers will lead to removal of powers (F6 menu etc), removal of yourself from the whitelist with warnings or bans issued depending on the severity of the abuse.If you are banned you lose all whitelist roles.

Last updated